Middle School
Middle School (6th- 8th)
Our school focuses on developing our students' faith, moral values and character in service. Our rigorous academic program is evidenced year after year with our performance on the TerraNova tests. Sports options are also offered during this stage of their education. Sport options offered are: Soccer, Tennis, Volleyball, Basketball and Golf.
All students will take the following core courses: Religion, Language Arts, Math, Science, and Social Studies. Our specials classes include: Art, Music, Physical Education, Spanish, Library and Technology. All teachers are certified in their subject areas with all early childhood classes having a full or part time aide. For 5th-8th grade, students are grouped into leveled classes for Math and Language Arts. We offer an on level group, as well as an enriched level group. Students may be enriched in one or both classes.
We take pride in our technology offerings for our students across the school. Each student in Middle School is assigned a personal touch-screen chromebook for the year.
Outdoor recesses for this age-range is usually once a day for 20 minutes. Due to our social distancing and mask policy, our middle schoolers are allowed to have two recesses in a day.
In addition to our standard curriculum Middle School students choose from a wide variety of elective classes ranging from ----- to -------. As well as having an opportunity to perform in our yearly School Musical.
Students must also complete a different number of service hours according to their grade level.